React is a JavaScript library that is efficient, declarative, and flexible. It is useful for software engineers to build user interfaces. React is the outcome of a vast amount of Corporate investment. In 2011, react was created by Facebook but did not open source it until May 2013. We are going to know the importance of ReactJS in-depth in this article. Keep Reading.
By the year 2014, react had already been used for developing Facebook and Instagram UI. React was being evaluated by other developers. This made the library famous.
There are many features of React js. React helps in building stand-alone UI components. It also helps in building entire user interfaces. These UIs include all the visual elements and logic that lies under these elements. React especially comes in handy for building robust applications. The JavaScript library has front-end technology. Therefore, this is aka a react front-end framework.
Why do many developers prefer to use ReactJS?
ReactJS can help in boosting the performance of the developer. Under this category, ReactJS is compared with Angular. Let’s look more into the features of reactJS that help a developer.
We can say that ReactJS helps in increasing the productivity of the developers. The productivity of the developer’s increases due to the three components of React. These components are JavaScript, Typescript, and JSX.
Time is essential for everyone, particularly during software development. While using react in a project, developers can save up a lot of time. This can help a business to start getting profit without any delay.
This advantaged feature of React is based on its ability to work together with JavaScript, Typescript, and JSX. Writing on any one of these three will not only provide more safety but also there will be fewer bugs. Although, you should also be aware of how important ReactJS is when it comes to website Design and Development.
Along with that, it will also be able to create reusable components. The reuse of code components boosts the productivity of the developers.
Along with the reusability feature, React also offers a set of valuable tools. These tools can boost the productivity of a developer. The dev tools have a form of a browser extension that can be installed on many platforms like Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers.
Comparison of ReactJS to other similar frameworks
ReactJS permits its developers to use the individual parts of the application. Thus, both the client-side and the server-side can use each part of the application. This results in an increasing speed of the development process.
In comparison to other frameworks, there are a lot of fantastic attributes of ReactJS. One of its attributes is flexibility. It’s easier to maintain the react code due to its flexible modular structure. This flexibility saves a considerable amount of time and costs in the business.
Under the Code of ReactJS, the performance is very high. This is because the central part of the framework offers an online Dom program. It also never gets renders. This feature makes Complex apps run faster.
Application of ReactJS is more accessible if you have basic knowledge about JavaScript. A developer who is an expert in JavaScript can learn to React in 2 to 3 days.
Mobile app development
React is not only for web development but is also used for mobile app development. Facebook has already upgraded its framework. This upgrade is for developing mobile native applications for both IOS and Android platforms.
Why ReactJS is Important for Businesses?
There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of ReactJS. Let’s talk about the benefits of using reactJS in your business. If you already heard about ReactJS and he doesn’t know whether to use it or not, keep on reading.
It’s easy to learn
In comparison to other popular frameworks like Angular and Vue, react.js is easier to learn. This is one of the main features of ReactJS that attracts popularity. It helps businesses to complete their projects.
It helps to build rich User Interfaces.
The quality of UI is of great importance in today’s world. If you have a poorly designed UI, then there are chances of the application not succeeding.
So if the application has a high-quality UI design, the users will love to use the application. So it is essential to build a good UI for your application to survive. ReactJS can help in creating high-quality and user-friendly UI designs.
It allows writing custom components.
React consists of JSX, which is an optional Syntax extension. JSX makes it possible to write your own components. These components, in general, accept HTML quoting. Along with that, it also makes sub-component rendering a good experience for the developers.
It is SEO friendly
In the case of any online business, Search Engine Optimization is the key to success. The fast rendering feature of React reduces the page load time. This helps businesses in securing the first rank on Google SERP.
If you desire to look at some perfect websites made by ReactJs then you should check out this article.
React JS is a high-quality framework that is worthy of its popularity. If you own a business, you must hire a ReactJS developer. You have to keep in mind that not all frameworks and libraries will be the right fit for your business. You should find out why should you hire a ReactJS developer.
They are great tools but might not be perfect for your application. You can use other high-quality frameworks like Angular. The only problem with Angular is that it is hard to learn and is very complex.